Lauren Boebert Wins Republican Primary In Colorado’s 4th Congressional District

Rep. Lauren Boebert has won the Republican primary for Colorado’s 4th Congressional District, defeating her primary opponents. Boebert, who has represented the 3rd Congressional District since 2021, announced her run for the 4th District late last year, seeking to continue her tenure in Congress.

Former President Donald Trump endorsed Boebert, praising her as a “Proven Conservative and Effective Leader.” Trump highlighted her efforts to impeach President Joe Biden, stop illegal immigration, defend the Second Amendment, and support military veterans and ranchers. He declared on Truth Social, “Congresswoman Lauren Boebert is a trusted America First Fighter, and has my Complete and Total Endorsement for Colorado’s 4th Congressional District!”

GOP Rep. Chip Roy of Texas also backed Boebert, urging voters on Twitter to support his “Freedom Caucus colleague.” Boebert has earned a 91% Heritage Action session score, reflecting her strong conservative stance.

Despite facing a health scare earlier this year, where she was diagnosed with May-Thurner Syndrome and underwent successful surgery to remove a blood clot, Boebert remained committed to her campaign and constituents. Her campaign noted that she experienced severe swelling in her upper left leg, leading to the discovery of the blood clot, which required a stent to be inserted.

Boebert’s victory in the primary solidifies her position as a leading conservative voice in Colorado and sets the stage for her campaign in the general election. Her continued advocacy for conservative principles and strong support from prominent Republicans have bolstered her political standing.