RFK Jr. Supporters Rally Outside CNN Office In Protest Of Debate Exclusion

Dozens of supporters of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. gathered outside CNN’s Western U.S. bureau in Burbank, California, protesting the network’s decision to exclude the independent candidate from the upcoming presidential debate. Chanting “Let Bobby speak!” the protesters expressed their frustration at CNN’s criteria, which they believe unfairly barred Kennedy from participating.

CNN announced that Kennedy failed to meet the benchmarks for state ballot qualification and necessary polling. The network’s criteria required candidates to secure enough spots on state ballots to be eligible for at least 270 Electoral College votes and to get at least 15 percent support in four separate national polls of registered or likely voters. Consequently, only the presumptive nominees, former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden, qualified for the debate set for June 27 in Atlanta.

Kennedy, who resides in Malibu with his wife, actress Cheryl Hines, thanked his supporters for their nationwide rallies, including those in Burbank, San Francisco, and Sacramento. “Americans nationwide are protesting the channel’s undemocratic decision to exclude me from the first presidential debate next week,” Kennedy wrote on X. “Thank you to everyone who has come out or plans to come out today!”

One campaign volunteer, Ronnie Kroell, labeled Kennedy’s exclusion “an insult to democracy” and emphasized the need for more representation. “We need to take back our country. It’s the only way we’re going to solve any of our problems is to put the power back into the people,” Kroell told The Epoch Times.

Kennedy’s son, Bobby Kennedy III, supported the Burbank rally and asserted that the campaign would not be deterred by CNN’s decision. He revealed plans to hold an alternative debate on X, expressing confidence in their reach through social media. “We’re going to have our own debate,” he told The Epoch Times. “Thanks to social media, and thanks to the internet, I wouldn’t be surprised if our version gets significantly more viewers.”

Kennedy filed an election complaint with the Federal Election Commission on May 28, alleging collusion between CNN and the major party candidates to exclude him. He also criticized the network’s requirements as designed to ensure only Biden and Trump were included.

CNN responded by stating, “As the presumptive nominees of their parties, both Biden and Trump will satisfy this requirement. As an independent candidate, under applicable laws, RFK Jr. does not. The mere application for ballot access does not guarantee that he will appear on the ballot in any state. In addition, RFK Jr. does not currently meet our polling criteria, which, like other objective criteria, were set before issuing invitations to the debate.”

Supporters like Rancho Santa Fe resident Suzanne Finder emphasized Kennedy’s commitment to environmental law and public health, noting, “Mr. Kennedy has spent 40 years in his role as an environmental attorney to achieving those goals, and Americans deserve to hear his message.”

The group planned to deliver a petition to CNN asserting that Kennedy should be allowed to debate. Laura Jones, another campaign volunteer, praised the turnout, saying, “We’re absolutely thrilled that everyone has shown up to say to CNN, we want more voices, more choices in this election and in the debates.”